

  • Keep your car keys on your night table. If like millions of people, your car remote contains a panic alert button, and your car is in range of your bedroom, pressing the panic button will cause the horn to blast and the headlights to flash — potentially saving lives during a home invasion by scaring criminals away, alerting neighbors to the fact that an emergency situation is unfolding, and helping police to more quickly find your home.
  • Set the home address on your GPS to an address (or fake address) near your home, but not to your actual home address. If someone breaks into your car while you are away from home, you don’t want him or her robbing your home or calling friends in your area to do so. Also, make sure that you have remote wipe capabilities set up for your smartphone – which likely has your home address along with other more sensitive information on it – so that if it is stolen you can erase its contents.
  • Be careful what information you share on social media. Specifically, do not publicly post check-ins to distant locales or respond to invitations to future events that involve all residents of your home – you may be letting the entire world know that your home will be empty and a prime target for robbery, or that you will arrive home late at night and, therefore, will be a good target for attack. Posting information about your children’s schedules in a manner that is world-readable may also increase the chances that they will be targeted by people with bad intentions.
  • If you receive a call from your credit card company about potential fraud on your account, hang up and call the number printed on the back of your card. If you are in a hotel and get a call to your room from its staff about a problem with your credit card or regarding the need to enter your room for a repair or any other reason – hang up and call back. The same holds true for any call that you receive from a party asking for any private information or for you to take a risky action – always hang up and call back at a pre-known, definitely authentic, number. Likewise, never give any information to someone who reaches you at a “wrong number;” people could be targeting you for identity theft or worse.
  • Cameras are recording everywhere. Block people’s view of your hand when entering alarm codes, PIN numbers, etc. It is amazing that in the era of Google people do not realize that people can be recording them – even from distances (via telephone/zoom/hi-resolution image, etc.). Likewise check any ATM machine that you use for added-on cameras or “skimming technology” – if the card reader appears to have been tampered with find another machine.
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